How do I get to Renison Chapel?

The band rehearses at Renison Chapel, located on the second floor of Renison College. Look at the picture below if you do not know where the building is located.

Alright, now that you found where the building is. You have to find the room we practice in. Look below for directions!

Start at the entrance of Renison with the parking loop. Ignore the wild exec in this photo!

Walk all the way down this extremely long, but clean, hallway...

... yes.. keep going... through this cafeteria too...

Turn right. Make your way through the door labelled 'Chapel'.

Go up one flight! As you enter this area, your gifted and musical ears should tell you that you have arrived.

Follow those ears! If you've made it to the Chapel, congratulations! And don't worry; you can't miss us! :D